Di posting kali ini saya mau memberikan informasi mengenai contoh teks MC bahasa inggris dalam acara formal. sebelumnya semasa kuliah saya pernah diberikan tugas oleh Dosen, tugasnya itu suruh buat teks MC bahasa Inggris, awalnya saya sempat bingung teks yang baik dan benar itu seperti apa, dan pada akhirnya saya mencoba konsul sama Dosen saya dan saya di berikan tips and trick untuk membuat teks MC, dan habis itu saya mulai coba buat teks MC dari tips n trick yang dikasih Dosen. teks MC saya pun jadi dan sudah dapat ACC dari Dosen Alhamdulillah banyak bersyukur.
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Respectable the Chief of Language Centre Ibu Restu S.pd M.pd
Honourable the Chief of the Commitee Bapak Kusuma
S.pd M.pd
Honourable All the English Lecturers
Honourable the Invited Guest in this event
Honourable all the Judicator in this Event
Honourable all The Partisipans of this University
English Competition 2017
First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah SWT, who has
given the grace and Hidayah for us, so we can attend and participate in this
event without any obstacles. Secondly don’t Forget shalwat and greetings at our
lord our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last Messenger and the best Figure of this universe
My name is Salwa
Taffana Pradani. It is a wonderful and precious chance for me, to be your
master of Ceremony in this Morning on Sunday, 29th of October 2017 in our big
event : “University English Competition
2017” we would like to thank everyone here for taking time to attend our
On this special Morning, we have several agendas, so
allow me to read several sequences of our agenda:
first Agenda is Opening;
second Agenda is Reciting holy Quran;
third Agenda is singing Indonesia Raya;
fourth Agenda is the Greetings;
fifth Agenda is the Prayer and Closing.
Ladies and Gentlmen
open this event by saying “bismillahhirrohmanirrahim” Together
Thank you Very Much
on the following agenda is reciting the holy quran who will be recited by mr.
Dhewo Santoso... Time is Yours
Thanks to mr. Dhewo Santoso, who has
recited the holy Al-quran for us, may Allah always gives us guidance and help,
on the next agenda, let me invite mrs. Erika Yustika to lead us for singing
Indonesia Raya Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Stand up
Ladies and Gentlemen, you may be seated
Third Agenda is Speech :
Second Speech is from chief of the language Centre Ibu Restu S.pd
M.pd...... Time is Yours
Thank you ibu Restu S.pd M.pd
Thank you ibu Restu S.pd M.pd
Third Speech is from chief of the Committee our Bapak Kusuma S.pd ..... Time is Yours....
you Very much Bapak Kusuma S.pd..
5. And,
the last Agend as the final Agenda is Prayer and Closing. That will be led by
mr. Arifin rahman.... Time is Yours
And to close program, let’s saying
“Hamdalah” together. As master of Ceremony, from the deepst my heart I do
apologize for my mistake in presenting this ceremony. My this good relationship
is going on.... Time is Yours.
Thank you for coming, and Good Morning the last I
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
itu diatas contoh Teks MC yang telah saya buat. Silahkan untuk dijadikan sebagai contoh. silahkan di pelajari dan di pahami yaa.... sekian
Wassalamualaikum Viewrs.
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